Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Chemicals are foundation behind OBESITY..!

When it's not safe to breathe, how is it safe to eat

உண்டி முதற்றே உணவின் பிண்டம் (“Undi muthatrey unavin pindam”) is a famous quote by Thirumoolar. It means that “Food is the ultimate thing for our body”. Way before the advent of Green Revolution, agriculture was purely meant for food grain production. But after the revolution, it turned out to be commercial business and marketing. The chemical fertilizers used by Americans and Europeans had entered the virgin soils of India, not only in food grain production,  but also in cattle and poultry. 

In order to boost milk and meat production, the cattle were not left to graze in the open field and instead was put in between bars. These animals were continuously fed with supplements which are otherwise not safe for human consumption.  As a result of this, it was found that in America girls aged 7 are attaining puberty. This percentage is doubled every 10 years, same persists in china. 

Apart from this, artificial chemical foods are being used to feed chicken and goat. A research in America showed that 27% of people with eating habits of chemically fed meat are suffering from obesity. It is said that “one-fourth of  the world population is starving for food” on the contrary, many people eat more than what they need and get affected by obesity.

It is estimated that nearly 1 crore ton of chemical fertilizers are used for cultivation of corn in America. In addition to this, pesticides and fungicides. There is no food scarcity in America, but no one can assure the produce is 100 percent free from chemicals or poisonous. Perhaps, to prevent themselves from mystic diseases like cancer they are turning to organic or natural farming. Even, in many locations of America, cattle are made to graze in open fields.

One of the staple food of India is paddy(rice). Approximately 10 crore 85 lakh acres are used  for paddy cultivation and in 2009-10 the yield was about 8 crore 93 lakh tonnes. Experts say that nearly 5000 litres of water is spent to raise 1 by kg of rice under chemical fertilizers. All our rivers are dried up, and now we are  sucking the underground water to meet the water demands. But in natural farming it is proved that paper thin water level is enough for production. Moreover, many farmers say that alternate wetting and drying pattern is enough for traditional paddy varieties.

Moreover, traditional paddy varieties are resistant to diseases and pests by their genetics. Hence, it is high time to turn natural farming system in order to conserve land and water from getting polluted and depleted and for us, human mankind to reap poison less food to lead a healthy and mystic disease free life.

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